Tinaja de Las Palmas

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The following is from the book, Indian Wars, by Bill Yenne.

In Mexico, Victorio found his people pursued and harassed by Colonel Adolfo Valle's Mexican cavalry, so he headed east and north, hoping to pass into Texas unnoticed. However, since February 1880, the Mexican and United States governments had agreed to cooperate against Victorio, so Valle telegraphed Colonel Grierson of the 10th Cavalry, who posted companies at various Rio Grande crossing points.

Grierson himself staked out the Tinaja de Las Palmas, an isolated water hole in south Texas that he knew Victorio would need. He was not disappointed. On July 30, Grierson's Company G managed to keep Victorio and an estimated 150 warriors at bay for two hours until additional 10th Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers rode up, whereupon the Apache fled south without having watered their horses. Grierson lost one man killed in action, and Victorio left seven dead. A week later, Victorio again crossed the border, but again Grierson was waiting for him at a necessary water hole. During his escape, Victorio was tempted to attack a wagon train, which was actually a decoy for another of Grierson's traps, and at least one Apache was killed.

A visitor to our site pointed out the discrepancy made here. Tinaja de Las Palmas, is not located in south Texas, as stated above, but in West Texas. Thanks, James, for the heads up. We appreciate it.

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